Saturday, October 3, 2009

“The Amazing One Shot”

This was written for my english assignment and I hope you guys like reading it. =]

The game was about to start in ten minutes. We were about to play against a team of tall, muscular, tough-looking girls. They hadn’t won a single game all season, but that could easily change in an hour. The looks on their faces were intimidating, but it didn’t change the fact that I would still give it my all. They had a basketball team of about seven players while we, at the moment, only had six. One of our best players couldn’t make it; so our chances of winning were lowered. Plus our head-coach wasn’t there as well. We got our line-up from our assistant coach and got ready to play. We stepped onto the court and lined up for jump ball; the pressure was on. I could feel my stomach spinning with nervousness and excitement as my friend Justine lined up to jump. The referee looked them in the eyes and threw the ball up in the air! Smack! The other girl passed the ball to one of her teammates. We ran after the ball and snatched it before they could shoot. I had the ball in my possession and wasn’t about to give it up. I dribbled and glided past the other team. I passed it to my friend Violet and she shot a basket! Yes! We scored the first point. The game continued. Soon enough the other team started to catch up to our score in the third quarter.

Our assistant coach called a time-out. He told us some small details about who we needed to guard more. At this point I was beyond tired and started to jog down the court instead of running; that was a mistake. I allowed this girl to drive past me to the basket. They were now one point ahead with less than a minute on the clock. I began to panic and ended up fouling a girl while she was shooting, big mistake! Now she had 2 free throws with 10 seconds on the clock. Our coach called a time-out. I felt horrible knowing that I had cost our team the game. “Here’s what we’re going to do…,” our coach said. My heart dropped to my stomach at the sound of his play. My head spun and my hands were sweating. We had one shot at this impossible play. My teammates were to rebound the ball while I run down the court. They would then throw the ball to me and I was to shoot and make the basket. I shook with doubt, the pressure weighing down on me. We lined up getting ready to pounce. She shot her first shot and missed. We relaxed but then tensed up. It was all down to this last and final shot. She bounced then released the ball. Boom! It hit the rim and bounced straight into my hands! I made a break for it, running as hard and as fast as I could. The clock ticked… I dribbled and sprinted to the other side with a defender right at my back. I stopped in my tracks about three feet from the basket. My defender flew by me with my sudden stop. With two seconds left on the clock, I released the ball. Buzz! The game was over. I stood paralyzed. One second later I heard the many shouts and screams that came from my teammates. I could not believe what had just happened. We had won the game against all odds.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Getting Organized

Recently I've wrote that I've been going crazy. This is true. I've been feeling, not necessarily overloaded, but I've been having lots to plan, maybe a little too much. I personally like to plan things but sometimes if I have so many things to plan and write down that it gets to be a bit much. Before, when I wrote the blog about me going crazy, I felt disorganized since my calandar was small. Today I made a new calandar on the computer to help me be more organized. In this calandar that I made on my computer, I felt so much better since I have more space and everything is better organized. Of course I wont be using my computer calandar that often though because I wont have that much time to update it with new upcoming events, but I will update it. I suppose it's easier to keep a calandar on the computer but I wont have access to my computer 24/7. Which brings me back to the answer of just simply buying a bigger calander with bigger boxes for each date. *sigh* If anyone has a better idea for me or a suggestion, feel free to leave a comment and help me out.


Gwendolyn =]

I Think I'm going or am CRAZY!

Hi everyone! Today I'm going to be talking about high school and how I think I'm going crazy. =] Well just the other day I was checking out the website for my school. The school I'm going to has soo many activities that you can join. I'm the type of person who loves to join loads of activities because I like to keep busy and of course I love a lot of things. Right now I'm deciding what activities I should join next year. I'm going CRAZY over what I should join. I like singing, dancing, musicals, sports, technology, and cooking. You can't imagine how many acitivities I can join for my many likes.

I love the performing arts which is why I might join one of theses clubs/activities called Chamber Singers, Concert Choir, Dance, Drama, and or Dance and Drill.

I love sports which is why I might try-out for girls volleyball, tennis, and or track & field.

I love outdoors too which is why I might want to join the Outdoor Adeventures club.

I love technology which is why I might join Tech Club. =P

I love cooking which is why I might join Prep Chefs club.

There are soo many things that I want to join! I need a personal asistant to organize my schedule for me. So many meetings, dates, places, times that I cant remember everything! Plus not enough space in my calandar! I need a bigger calandar and fast if I'm ever going to be able to breathe again!

Well until next time,

Gwendolyn =]

My first blog =]

Hi everyone =] My name is Gwendolyn and I just started using this blog today. I'm going to start off by telling you a little about myself. Well I'm the type of person you would probably see hanging out with her friends laughing. Also just working on her new computer that she got this summer ^.^ I also like to listen to various music selections. Sometimes I like to go crazy and start dancing and singing too. Not much with others but more when I'm in my room. ha ha

When I'm on the computer I do many things. If you were to look at my screen as I work you would see that I'm always on yahoo messenger. I like to talk to my friends as I work and such. You would also see that I go on certain sites every day. I go on 4 main sites: youtube, facebook, yahoo, and SI Well actually I dont go on the SI website very much at this time but I'm sure I will in the future. Oh, and also verison. haha Gotta check my minutes and texts :P

I have many different interests as my friends could probably tell you since I was apart of so many different things at my old school. Oh did I mention that I'm going to be starting high school in a few weeks? Yuup! I'm pretty excited. Especially since I get my schedule this Saturday =]

I honestly didnt know what I was gonna write in this blog website and I still dont really know so be prepared to see a whole bunch of random things written by me in this site. I dont have a specific theme or anything so yeah one day I might write about sports the next day puppies. haha who knows? =]

Thanks for reading!

Gwendolyn =]